Solar Trees

A solar tree is a unique and innovative product offered by Solar Tint that combines the benefits of solar energy with the aesthetic appeal of a tree. It is essentially a solar panel system designed in the shape of a tree, with multiple branches holding solar panels that absorb sunlight and generate electricity.
The solar tree serves as an eco-friendly solution for generating clean energy while also providing shade and a visually appealing addition to outdoor spaces such as parks, parking lots, and public areas. The solar tree can also be customized to fit the specific energy needs of a particular location, and the excess energy generated can be stored in batteries or fed back into the grid.
As a service provided by Solar Tint, we offer consultation, design, installation, and maintenance of solar trees for both commercial and residential customers. Solar Tint’s team of experts ensures that each solar tree is installed correctly and efficiently, maximizing energy output while minimizing any impact on the environment. Overall, the solar tree is a sustainable and aesthetically pleasing way to generate clean energy and reduce carbon footprint.